Sunday, March 13, 2011

March is marching on in the Sealy-O'Donnell household.

The boys raised money for Christchurch last week with their Walkathon, Jack run the whole 1/2 hour without stopping. (Jack is in Green and Tom in red stripes)

We've still got lovely warm days at the moment and are managing to get out to the beach.

The boys also started Karate a few weeks ago and they took part in a demonstration at a local school fair. They are the two closest to the camera, it was gorgeous!

Payment for demonstration was their first ever candy floss - they hated it.......NOT!

Adrian and I also finally got our act together and took the boys to the park on their new bikes with no training wheels. Thinking we would spend hours pushing bikes around, we let them go and this happened........ we are so proud.



Soon there was no stopping them.