Sunday, May 13, 2007

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY...sneeze, cough, sniff, wipe fevered brow...

It was a very quiet week with lots of staying inside looking after sick boys during the week and by Friday night I had officially caught it as well so spent a weekend feeling very miserable and sorry for myself. My lovely husband looked after me by taking the boys on an adventure all day Saturday and leaving me to sleep and sleep and sleep and cough and sneeze and sleep some more.

They had a fabulous day at Te papa, the park, stopping at cafes and shopping for mother's day. Adrian was in absolute hysterics as he gave them each $2 to find something for me in the $2 shop and told them they could choose it themselves. They went crazy and kept running up to him and saying "mummy would really like one of these" and it would be a fly swat or a pack of 200 toothpicks! They did very well in the end though after he convinced them of what might be better!

Sunday morning was mother's day and I was feeling a lot better and after being brought breakfast in bed (which I managed to eat a little of) and Adrian took me and the boys to Staglands for a mother's day treat. We had a lovely time and the boys had so much fun with all the animals and stopping for picnics in the sun. The highlight for the boys was that they had a ride on a pony and loved it! They haven't stopped talking about it since and it was so lovely to watch them and realise how big they are and how much they can do now.

Thanks for a lovely mother's day from my gorgeous family and promise I'll get better this week X

PS - top pic looks so much like Hackbridge I had to put it in :)


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