Saturday, March 10, 2007

Swinging just a bit like daddy!

This week I headed down to Christchurch to say a last farewell to Win (my stepfather) as he is having his last days in a hospice down there so it was a sad visit but lots of laughs and reminiscing. Adrian and the boys had a great time while I was away. One of their jobs was to do the weekly shopping and when I got back I had to laugh as there was no fruit, potatoes or cleaning products but there were 4 types of cheese and plenty of beer and wine....

Another weekend dominated by the garden and Adrian is now in the final preparations for laying the turf so it's starting to really come together. He also finished building my veggie garden so the boys and I had a great time planting all the veggies. Jack in particular loved "putting them into their bed and snuggling them in", he was so excited the next morning to check them and said "they drank all their water mummy, but they're still sleeping, when they wake up there'll be lots of food on them".

Adrian managed a trip to the park in the heat with the boys on Sunday morning and a visit to Jeremy, Anna and Libby in the evening but we we're all hot and exhausted tonight!

Cute story for the week: we were playing a nursery rhymes CD in the car and Tom and Jack were singing along in the back, Tom was very pleased with himself and said "I know the words to all these songs daddy".


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