Sunday, February 18, 2007


This is the week we welcomed Olga to our house all the way from Peru. Olga is a government official in Peru who is studying English at my univeristy and so will be with us for 6 weeks. She is a lovely lady who has two children at home including a little boy who is two so she knows how to handle ours!

Earlier this week I took the boys to see a navy helicopter that landed in the girls school behind our house, the boys loved watching it landing with all the noise and wind, they were also a big attraction to 100s of school girls cooing over them.

It was a busy week at work and home for all the family this week, Adrian has been working hard in the garden and I have been clearing out spare room cupboards and making up beds ready for Olga's visit. She arrived on Saturday afternoon and settled in before I had to go to work that evening for a function we were holding for the Vietnamese New Year. Sunday we spent the morning showing Olga where the bus stops and shops were and then took her and her friend to the Karori fair. The boys had a great time on a big train and petting the farm animals but I think it was the chocolate icecream that was the real winner on the day!

The boys are histerical at the moment with lots of laughs, if you ask "Tom, Jack can you...." they reply "I'm not Tom, I'm Spiderman" or "I'm not Jack I'm Superman".

Happy Birthday to Paul and Tori (did you know you share a birthday?!).


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