Sunday, December 03, 2006

Summer at last!!

After a busy week of visitors in the afternoons we had a great weekend getting lots of work done around the place and taking the boys on some great adventures. Satuday morning I took the boys shopping while Adrian finished all the messy bathroom jobs and then we headed off in the afternoon to take daddy up to where the boys trees are planted for a picnic as he hadn't seen the new ones and then off to the beach. Jack as ever has absoluely no fear of the water and went straight in having to be held back, Tom was more cautious but had a great splash in the waves. Jack was out quite far with Adrian and tripped over face down and gave himself a fright and once I'd dried him off and had a cuddle he said "I'll go back in with you mummy but not daddy cos he's a bit tricky!"

Sunday morning was more work on the house tag-teamining with the boys and then a visit from the boys friend Ben and our neighbour with her little boy James and the four boys had a great time taking turns with the wagon and with the new addition to the group Jacob we think we might be getting close to having a rubgy team of boys available in say 2025.... We spent a fantastic afternoon having a bbq at Uncle Chris and Aunty Sue's house and they tested their new bbq on us and it was a real treat. The boys loved pretending to go to bed in "their" beds that are now in the spare room.

Well for those of you who don't know Mr Michael Jameison will be arriving in NZ (yes it's true) next Sunday so we'll be making sure we get lots of sleep before he arrives to keep our stamina up. We're getting really excited about everyone coming and with our last few days of work this week it's count down to Tori and the Arnolds next.

Cute story for this week - Tom had a bit of diarrhea this week and when Adrian asked him on the way home how many poos he'd had today he sighed very heavily and said "too many daddy, too many". - I agreed!


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