Sunday, November 26, 2006

4 weeks till Xmas everyone....

We had a great week and weekend with lists of jobs to do but accomplshing very few of them as usual. I had my turn working at the toy library on Saturday morning while Daddy took the boys food shopping. In the afternoon we filled the sandpit with fresh sand for the year which was a huge hit with the boys (and us as we got the sand free this year from the extra that creche had after filling theirs) so all the boys happily played with the diggers and buckets for hours on Saturday afternoon.

We managed a nice night out with friends on Saturday night and had a new babysitter, we went to get ready and when we came out the boys were snuggled into her while she read a story and Tom turned to her and said "I like you Adele" so no problems there!

Sunday morning Adrian took the boys to the park and I had a little lie-in (bliss), the photos are of the boys in the maze which they had great fun running around getting lost in. I then attempted some Xmas shopping with the boys while Adrian finished preparing the walls in the bathroom, let's just say I don't think I'll be taking them Xmas shopping again.... We had lots of visitors in the afternoon and we were all exhausted by bedtime!

Cute story for the week, I had to take Jack to the Dr this week and after his visit to daddy in hospital last week, he asked if he could have a special bed and a lady (nurse) like daddy and Tom could come and visit him!


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