Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Pox, the Pox!!!

Well we thought Jack was lucky with his chicken pox being so mild and man we were right! Poor Adrian and Tom have the worst cases of chicken pox I've ever seen, both are head to toe with pox and it's particularly bad for Adrian being so much more miserable getting these as an adult.

We'd had a great week of hot weather and sunshine with some visits to friends and a good week with everyone back at work and creche until Friday morning when two of the household woke up like this..... (that's tom by the way not Ade!)

Unfortunately it was the weekend for all the digging to be done so we had to get some extra labourers in to help and our backyard has dissapeared! We found that it was 4 inches of concrete under the lawn and then everything had to be levelled but at least this bits done and the boys and I had fun with the digger.

With the obvious signs of pox we've been trapped inside the house most of the long weekend so it's been a pretty miserable time of it when the sun is shinning and you have no back yard and can't really go into public.....can't wait for everyone to feel better, especially Adrian as I feel so sorry for him he's really suffering.

Well pretty "sorry for ourselves" blog but next week we'll be onward and upward...!!


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