Sunday, February 04, 2007

"It's such a perfect day, I'm glad I spent it with you" (Lou Reed)

Just had one of those days that is so perfect we have to remember it so we can look back on it when we're older and greyer...but the rest of the week first.

We had a great week with everyone pox free and to celebrate we had a brilliant night on Friday taking the boys to the gardens for a fish and chip picnic and to see the outdoor performance of "Puss n boots" which they loved, they thought the cat was hilarious (which he was) and Jack particularly loved the princess "I love princesses" he told me. After around 1/2 an hour into the show Jack turned to me and asked "are they talking to us mummy?"

Saturday we had lunch with Adrian in town as he was working and then off to buy the boys some more new shoes as their toes are poking out of their old ones (boys grow so fast). Sunday was a brilliantly hot day and after Adrian took the boys to Fidels for breakfast we met up in town and had a wander around before all heading home for a nap. After making some chocolate cup-cakes we decided to take them with us for a picnic to Macra beach and had the most fantastic time watching the boys throwing sticks and stones into the water and paddling blissfully for hours. The sun was shinning the water was warm and all was right with the world, love it when that happens, it really was a perfect tomorrow, blah!

A couple of extra pics of the boys first try of sushi which they loved, Tom was determined to keep trying the chopsticks and did really well but Jack just wanted to eat it!!


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