Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter and Happy Anniversary Baby
It's been a magical easter with lots of family fun and also our 11th (can you believe it!) wedding anniversary. We managed a nice night out in town with far too many drinks and had a great time just the two of us.
Adrian had the whole of easter off work which was brilliant, Friday we kicked started off the holiday by having a picnic in the gardens and the big playground with a picnic, climbing trees and a big walk around the gardens.

Saturday was spent food shopping followed by a lovely afternoon at Macra beach were it was so hot that the boys stripped off completely to take a dip. We spent a lovely peaceful afternoon mucking around with the great boats that Adrian had made them of course all the boys tried throwing stones at to try to sink them too!

Sunday the boys and I made a huge banana cake to take to a bbq at Jeremy and Anna's as my other cousin was here from Australia with her new baby who was absolutely gorgeous. The boys had a great morning running around madly with all the other children while the adults relaxed in the sun with their lovely cold beers and gorgeous food and it was really lovely to catch up with all the family. We headed home for the afternoon for the boys first easter egg hunt which they loved, it was lovely seeing them running around shouting "thanks easter bunny" before tucking into all that chocolate!

Monday we took the boys to the "Songs of the Sea" show at the local children's theatre which was absolutely brilliant and the boys have been singing the songs and telling the stories ever since. After the show we had a real treat of fish and chips lunch at the pub (JJ's for those of you who know it) before heading home for a nap. I had some jobs to do in the afternoon while Adrian took the boys on a picnic and bear hunt at Otari in the afternoon.

Cute story for the week: I had an afternoon meeting this week and dropped the boys to Adrian. As he was walking Tom asked "where are we going daddy", "I don't know", Jack then replied "yes you do daddy, we're going to the pub" (someone knows his daddy well!)

Thanks so much to "aunty lizzy" who sent the boys their now most prized possessions - spider man pj's


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