Sunday, May 06, 2007

Brrrrr....been feeling the winter weather coming in this week but managed a few warm days even so.

This week's highlight for the boys was going to their friend Aeneas' 3rd Birthday party on Friday afternoon. It was a huge feast of party food and cake so it was lucky the sun was shinning and it they screamed around on their bikes and got rid of most of their sugar induced crazyness outside.

Saturday we all had a run around at the park in the morning before having lunch with Olga at her apartment (she is staying with the other Peruvian's in apartments now until she goes home in July when her course is finished). She made us a lovely lunch and of course lots of sweet things for her and the boys and they in turn trashed her apartment, jumped on her bed and had a great time dancing to music in her living room.

Saturday night we had some friends for dinner which was lovely but we did suffer the late night the next morning. Sunday morning we woke up to Jack not being very well "mummy I'm not very well today" and the weather was cold and windy so he spent most of the day tucked up inside. I ventured out when he had a little sleep with Tom to take some dinners to Jeremy and Anna and he also had a visit to the park with daddy in the afternoon but we were pretty homebound most of the day which was quite nice and relaxing really. He woke up this morning and bounded out of bed saying could I take his "temp'a'ta and give him some more medicine?" (the boys love the taste of pamol!) so think he's over the worst of it and now we'll wait for the rest of us to get it no doubt.

Well have a good week folks x.


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