Sunday, June 25, 2006

Rain, rain, rain, cold, cold, snow sleet, hail blah..... it's been a really cold wintry week this week so we've been trying to entertain the boys indoors for days and its not easy! Clever Daddy got some toys from the local toy library earlier in the week which was a big hit, it was a set of plastic food, cutlery, plates an oven and picnic set and has been a huge hit. I've had more fake tea parties and plastic food this week than I care to imagine. The boys have also been playing going to the shops and love taking one of mummy's bags to buy the shopping. Now before you think they're spending far too much time with their mother, I can also tell you that I've built a million garages and tunnels with blocks, driven toy cars around the house and built cubby houses under the table so it's not all tea parties and cooking!

Adrian has been busy working on the 10CC concert this week which he really enjoyed (he also really enjoyed the drinks afterwards and didn't get home till 4:00am - it's not easy getting up at 6:00am with two lively boys on a hangover and 2 hours sleep.....mummy wasn't best pleased either). Saturday morning was pretty quiet starting with a bus trip into town with the boys. We stopped to have morning tea in Cuba St next to some very brave Morris dancers who were giving it their best in the pouring rain and freezing cold, we sat outside and watched them drinking our hot coffee and the boys were shouting "me old bamboo" to them (those of you who have seen Chitty Bang Bang will know what that means...).

Saturday afternoon was still really cold so Adrian made a cubby house and obstacle course in the hallway to try to keep the boys from going crazy. That night we went to a party at the boy's friend Ben's parents house as they were celebrating a year in NZ (strangely enough Adrian didn't drink!). Sunday morning we collected Ben from his parents and took him and the boys out for the morning. The boys were so excited having Ben in his car seat in the middle of them and kept up a chorus of "Jack loves Ben" and "Tom loves Ben" in the back as we headed to "Junglerama" a big indoor adventure playground. It was great fun but a lot of people looked at us pityingly thinking we had triplets ...scary thought. We all had a little sleep that afternoon and then headed to Uncle Chris and Aunty Sue's house for afternoon tea and onto some shopping.

Well Adrian's making yummy curry for dinner so that's it from us.

PS. Because of the weather I have been knitting in the evenings and made the boys some scarves which they love - one does looks suspiciously like an English scarf though......(pic below)


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