Monday, April 24, 2006

Another quick week with the holidays this week. We had a lovely extra few days off this week and managed to get lots done with me painting the kitchen cupboards and Adrian painting the walls it is a much lighter and brighter room than before and we love it. Still a bit to do in there but it's amazing what a lick of paint can do.

We also had "Uncle Cis" and "Aunty Seeeuw" staying this week while they were waiting to move into their house on Saturday and the boys loved it. They were very excited when they woke up each morning and they were still here - Uncle Chris had to read the boys "Wiggles" book so many times I'm sure he knows it by heart now.

The boys had a great week until Friday afternoon when Thomas got ill with a virus, he had a roaring temperature and didn't seem to get much better on Saturday until it all culminated on Sunday morning at 2:00am with temperatures of over 40 deg and vomiting so it was a quick trip for Mummy and Tom to the hospital (the boys never seem to need to go to the hospital during the week but always seem to manage to be at their most ill when every drunk idiot is at the hospital on a Saturday night!). The hospital were great and after cooling Tom down with iceblocks and some tests and a bit of t.l.c. we were allowed home. Tom walked out like nothing was wrong in his little dressing gown holding my hand and waving to all the nurses saying "bye bye" and they all melted at his cuteness.

Sunday we visited Chris and Sue at their new house which is brilliant, it is a lovely place and once all is unpacked and things finished off it's going to be really cosy. Will post some pics in the next week or so when we remember to bring the camera along.

Well that's it for this week, tomorrow is a holiday for us being ANZAC day so will let you know next week about our adventures.

PS - bit of a cute moment with the bedtime story tonight which featured a "Jack in the box", Jack was facinated by this thing with his name, but not wanting Tom to miss out decided it should be called a "Tom in the box" instead.


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