Sunday, March 05, 2006

Another week goes by and it's getting closer to our moving date. We're really excited about moving and really non-motivated about packing. We actually started packing last night and realised the momentous task we have ahead of us as we don't want to take evey peice of old bank statement and odd sock but it's a big job!..........

We've spent a lot of time visiting friends this week and the boys seem to enjoy playing with other children's toys for a change. Adrian managed to take the boys to the park at last yesterday after our big storm on the weekend meant we were pretty housebound for a day or two.

The boys have been absolutely brilliant this week, they are getting very clever with all their colours and are pretty spot on with all the main ones including purple and orange. They have also started singing which is gorgeous and will sit singing "la, la, la, la, la" to themselves, much more in tune than I ever do so luckily they haven't inherited their parents singing ability! They like to do everything together at the moment and if one is ready for something they will shoud "TOM DINNER" or "JACK BATH" etc. This also means that when one of them is doing something as delightful as throwing his food on the floor or feeding the cat their morning tea the other has to join in! It does have it's good points though as getting a double cuddle is pretty special.

Have a great week everyone :)


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