Saturday, January 07, 2006

Well that was a quick week! It was back to work for me on Wednesday and it was lovely and quiet since so many people are still on holiday and my phone hardly rang - it was great. The boys started back at crèche again on Wednesday too and they loved to be back with their friends and being fussed over by the staff. Adrian is still on holiday until next week and is spending it painting the house and tidying up the garden, he’s done a great job of the pathway down to the house (pic below) which we finished planting today and we’re now officially half-way with the painting so it better not rain next week. Adrian and I even managed to have an afternoon off together on Friday to get some painting done and had a lovely lunch at the new café in Karori which is joined onto the new library complex which is great (pic below).

The boys are having a great week as usual. Adrian taught them how to run a circuit of the house by going out the lounge, down the hall and back into the kitchen. They spend hours running flat out around and around occasionally saying “hello” or “bye, bye” as they speed past. Tom has started putting lots of words together (sometime it seems randomly), like yesterday when he said “Daddy, all-gone, poo, nigh nighs?” which I managed to translate to “Daddy’s not here, is he in toilet or asleep?” (pretty astute really). They’ve also started saying “naughty” while doing something they shouldn’t - but knowing that it’s naughty doesn’t stop them doing whatever it is of course.

Well have a great week everyone.


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