Sunday, November 06, 2005

Well I think house updates first would be useful….we decided that we are not going to buy the re-locatable house so we are keeping our eyes open for the perfect house for us while we get ours ready for a possible sale. We have fallen in love with a beautiful house not far from where we live now but we’ll have to wait to see whether we are in with a chance at getting it (pictures right).

Adrian and I had our first night out in a long time this weekend, we went out on a proper date. Our lovely new neighbours offered to baby-sit on Friday night so we jumped at the chance for a night on the town. We went to the fabulous Long Bar (Malaysian Restaurant) which is delicious, then moved on into town for a few drinks and lots of laughs but tried hard not to talk about the boys too much. It was a lovely night and well worth the slight hangover when the boys woke us up at 6:00am on Saturday morning.

The boys have had a great week, Thomas is motoring away with new words and this week has mastered “please”. Jack is recovering well but is still having terrible bouts of weazing which is horrible. I taught them how to hold hands when we walk up to the car and into crèche for safety but they now like to hold hands all the time when they are walking around and it’s very cute. One will stop and call “hands” and the other has to coming running over to hold their hand and off they go. Their favourite new game is playing “row row your boat” where they sit on the floor facing each other holding hands and rock back and forwards while mummy sings (badly!) and get very excited about it and giggle so much that they can’t do it properly. We also went shopping this weekend and let the boys choose their new sandals now the weather is getting warmer. The only problem now is getting them off them and to convince them that they can’t wear them to bed!


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