Saturday, October 22, 2005

As it's a long weekend here it's a lovely relaxing Sunday night. We took the boys to "Diwali" today ("Diwali" is the Indian festival of light). There were free concerts which fantastic Indian dancing and puppet shows which the boys loved and lots of yummy curry for mum and dad. Adrian has been busy packing in the shows for Diwali this week so it was nice for him to relax in the sun and watch it all unfold.

The boys have had a great week dispite having colds which has meant lots of wiping noses and coughing in the night. Tom has been trying to copy lots of new words and focuses very hard on trying to get it right. Jack adores Tom at the moment and is constantly cuddling him and giving him all his toys and treats. They have discovered each other's belly-bottons this week which is hilarious as they pull up each other's t-shirts and laugh histerically.

We have managed to put one coat of paint on one side of the house this week so it finally feels like we've started a huge task. The weather is starting to feel a lot more summery after a bit of a cold snap so it should help to get things moving now.


Blogger Ben and JT Sealy said...

Lovely to see Jack and Thomas picking wild flowers from your front lawn - made me smile

10:00 AM


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