Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Well after a few teething problems trying to post more to this site I finally managed to annoy the support people enough to get back to posting more news….

It’s been a really busy week for all the family. Thomas and Jack have both had a bad case of conjunctivitis which they passed back and forwards to each other for a few days so Adrian and I have been on and off work wiping gunky green eyes….yuck. Adrian’s been working really hard on the opening of the opera which was a great success but pretty exhausting (see picture). I have been really busy at work trying to organize 3 different delegations from viarous countries coming to Wellington this week.

We decided that we are going ahead with the house (at this stage) and will be talking to banks and mortgage brokers this week …aaahhhh….because of this we had a busy weekend working on the house as it needs to be painted and bits and pieces done around the place. We still managed to have a lovely weekend especially Sunday which was lovely and sunny so we all played outside in the sun.

The boys are exceptionally lovely at the moment, Thomas is determined to learn more words and tries to copy everything he hears “dog” came out tonight for the first time (he’s had “woof, woof” for some time now). Jack is still working on “Octopus” and is getting pretty close. Jack is also learning to run and has to go all the way into the kitchen before running arms out, shouting aaaahhhhhh all the way into the lounge and into mum or dad’s arms. Tom loves dancing with his teddy at the moment and so mum, the boys and teddy's all have a dancing session in the morning before creche (heaven help them if the end up dancing like me!). Both boys are now feeding themselves (extremely messy business) but at least have started eating grown up food which is great.


Well known toy “Teddy Edward” was found at the bottom of a wardrobe this week by one “Jack Sealy-O’Donnell” of Wellington. Seemingly unwanted and unloved, Jack decided to rescue said teddy with the intention of cuddling, loving and generally dribbling all over him. Jack was last seen feeding Teddy Edward his dinner and giving him a bottle before tucking him in. (Previous owner was seen looking a little sad).


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