Sunday, March 12, 2006

4 days to go!!!!

It's been a busy week at work for both myself and Adrian as we're trying to finish things ready to take some time off and move house next week. Adrian has been especially busy this week lighting a special corporate production of WOW (World of Wearable Art) show which was a real coup for him. He found out that the New York "Getty Family" were the corporates that the show was promoting and they flew in and out of Wellington by helicopter to see his show.

While Adrian was busy with his show I had a lovely weekend with the boys shopping and playing. We went to pick up Adrian on Saturday afternoon after his show finished and spent a lovely few hours watching the helicopters landing and taking off on the waterfront and watching the Dragon Boat Races in the harbour. The boys loved the 3, 2, 1, Go on the loudspeaker and shouted "Go, Go, Go" at the top of their voices and the boats took off, it was a good few hours of free entertainment.

We had a lovely Sunday morning at the swimming pool with the boys who are now like little ducks in the water, the love going "wimming" and wanted to stay in until they were nearly blue. We then went home for a nap and Adrian and Chris moved some bits out of the basement into the new garage to get them out of the way for the big move. We had some neighbours around for dinner (the best kind- they brought dinner!) and now is count down till blog from the new house!


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