Saturday, March 28, 2009

Firstly a picture of the boys in their football uniforms, they are LA Galaxy which means they have "Beckham" on the back of their shirts, they think that's pretty cool!

It's been a busy weekend of bithday parties this week with one held at the most perfect spot on the beach which we got to by tram on the Kapiti Coast, it was a fabulous day and we all really enjoyed it. It also had the most amazing amount of driftwood which is very helpful for boys to build stuff...

Cute stories for the week:

This week on the way home we were listening to some music and I asked the boys if they liked it. Tom replied "well it's not really the kind of music I'm into". I asked what kind of music they were "into" and they had a discussion for a while and then told me that they liked two kinds of guitar music, "rock guitar" and "loud guitar".....

I was talking to the boys about speaking to people from other countries and explained to Jack that you have to speak slowly and be pateint to people who don't come from NZ as they might not understand what you are saying easily. He said "I'll remember that when I talk to Grandma cos she's from another country"...I didn't think his accent was quite that strong!

Just about to finish the blog and I asked Jack what we've been doing lately so I can tell people and he said "well we've had a lot of nice food lately"..... one track mind that boy!


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