Monday, March 09, 2009

Sorry it's been a few weeks since our last post so here's a bit of an update.....

The boys are now the latest football stars in Wellington as they have joined "Little Dribblers" football league. They absolutely love playing and manage to get both real and own goals. They get really stuck in while Adrian and I shout from the sidelines its fab - I'll post some more photos once they have their uniforms next week.

We've been really busy lately with both work and filling our weekends with the last of the summer days out. Adrian and I managed a brilliant night out to the Cuba Street Carnival which was amazing this year, if you want to get a feel for it take a look at this site it was a brilliant night out.

We've also been taking the boys to all the school fetes and fairs lately and at one of them Adrian brought a boat, well why not ;) ....they want to start sailing next....

Cute Stories:
Tom was talking to the teachers at creche last week about elephants. One of the teachers is Indian and was telling Tom that she has seen lots of elephants and they are very hairy. Tom said "elephants don't have any hair" and she replied "they do, especially in their ears, they have lots of thick black hair". Tom replied "my dad's got lots of thick black hair on his penis!" (I'm jsut so glad he didn't start that sentence with "my mummy...")

We were in a cafe this week and Tom kept blowing off. Adrian said "Tom can you stop farting?" and Tom replied "sorry dad, it's my bottom that decides".

Lastly a nice pic of the boys with their friend Elyse at the Marsden School Fete - she's the one in the white hat not the crazy looking one at the back.


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