Sunday, May 04, 2008

As you can see they are really looking forward to going to England!!

Busy few weeks around here, I’ll try to remember what we’ve been up too!

We had ANZAC day and I took the boys up to a local Fortress in Wrights Hill behind our place which was built in the second world war, it’s a fascinating place full of underground tunnels and was brilliant, the boys loved it and also the soldiers there for the day with there guns. Jack decided he wants to be a soldier when he grows up but then told us that he also wants to be a Mechanic, Astronaut and Superhero so he’ll be busy! Tom was busy telling the soldiers all about why we have ANZAC day, he told them that we have the day “cos the soldiers all died and we have to remember them" he then looked at them and said "but you didn’t die though” - I'm sure they were pleased about that!

Adrian was working on a girls school production on Joseph which Jack gorgeously called “Joseph and his favourite jumper with lots of colours”. Adrian and I took them to the show and they loved it sitting riveted to the stage and have been singing the songs ever since. Adrian’s work is going well with the opening of the comedy festivals last week, the Opera this week and next week it’s the comedy festival so very full on. He’s also extra happy as he brought a van, it’s getting a bit of work done but it’s going to make a great difference to him being able to get around with all his gear.

We've now got a new camera so more pics and updates next week.


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