Saturday, March 06, 2010

Going to bed daddy style!

Adrian had a week in Adelaide last week working not a bad place to spend a week for a few hours work! It looks like it was all worthwhile though with lots of countries interested in his show so it should mean work for Adrian and a nice holiday for us next year - fingers crossed!

Adrian arrived home just in time to watch the boys at their charity "walkathon" last week. It was a brilliant afternoon - both boys did really well finishing the full half an hour. Jack run the whole thing without stopping and Tom sauntered calmly with his hands in his pockets, they are different creatures those two! They also had a tug-of-war, three legged races, wheel barrow races and bbq so it was a great Friday night in the sun.


It was International Children's Day today so the boys and I spent the day doing all the activities in Wellington. They painted a lovely house in the fake town with the other children before watching a majician's show and then lunch. We headed over to watch the dragon boating on the harbour before heading home so all pretty exhausted tonight.

We also had a visit to the Optician this week as it looks like Jack might have to wear glasses, we'll keep you posted on that one but I think he'll look rather dashing.


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